Author: Michael Schmitz
Mar 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
Hello dear Nuberts, thank you once again for the exemplary customer service at your company (Mr. Kohler was great!) and the very good handling of our orders 😬 I have to say up front that friends drew my attention to Nubert and I was very sceptical at first (everything sounds the same anyway 😱). But once you've heard the difference, it's very hard to get past Nubert! Unfortunately, the bank account suffers very quickly. So we've listened to a lot on the subject over the last few months and have always ended up with Nubert. Apart from the outstanding price-performance ratio, the customer service at the big hi-fi mail order companies often defies description. Here, incompetence and often customer rip-offs go hand in hand. Not so with Nubert, here the customer is king and you get fair value for your money. In short: a bright light in the German service desert. Today, apart from the AW7 subwoofer, I now have my dream combination (2x Nuwave 8, 2x Nuwave 3, 1x CS-4+ Denon 1803, Pioneer DVD 656a, Thomson Rückpro 52JW640s). So here we go, the poor neighbors 😭 Best regards, Michael Schmitz 🙂
Author: Andreas Lins
Mar 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
nuBox 380 Dear Nubert team, after colleagues and friends were (... and still are) of the opinion that good speakers start at 600?/unit, I heard your nuWave 3 by chance at a friend's house who uses the same speakers as effect speakers for his Dolby Digital system. By converting his main speakers, he had turned your nuWave 3s into front speakers without further ado and I was able to hear the Nuberts as a fully-fledged speaker for the first time. Totally impressed by the full, powerful, rich, dynamic sound, I then decided to order the nuBox 380 for myself as front speakers. They are now resting on your doubles to decouple the speakers from the floor (parquet) until I can decide on the right stands. The sound is absolutely outstanding (!!!), very differentiated and surprisingly clear. My old 3-way BR speakers don't even come close to the bass dynamics and balance of your 380s - and that with almost 1.5 times the volume. My compliments to you for this top performance, which is probably absolutely unique in terms of price/performance ratio. Best regards - Andreas Lins
Author: Gunter Wiegand
Mar 10, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
I've owned a Nubox380 system with the Nuline AW 550 for three weeks now and my skepticism quickly subsided. Unfortunately I only had to make do with the Sub at first, but it immediately upgraded my old Hamste cages. Later the 380 was delivered and that's when the game started. It was amazing, even though it was still brand new and not recorded, I experienced music in a new way. Over the course of the days, the speakers settled in and it was fun to experience this. Almost like your own child learning to walk. (I'm exaggerating, I know) With the rear and the center, the system was later complete. It was worth the wait. In the beginning I had to learn to throttle the sub, the little one is a nice toy. Ideal for moving furniture!!!! Poor neighbors!!! I've never heard so much music from such a small speaker system. Every day is a good day with the Nubert LS. Thank you Mr. Nubert 🙂 😂 🙂
Author: Gunter Wiegand
Mar 10, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
To put it more clearly. Every day of waiting was worth it. Every partial delivery was like a small evolutionary leap for me. It almost begs the question: is Mr. Nubert God? but at least he's a speaker god 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Author: Jürgen Lechner
Mar 9, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
The AW-880 subwoofer is something for big and small! Dad is delighted with the great bass and his son (2 years old) with a new playhouse from the cardboard packaging. The mega-stable, double corrugated cardboard ensures a long service life and can only be recommended for this second use. (Perhaps this tip will help some people as an argument when making investment decisions in the family council. 🙂 )
Author: Ried Marc
Mar 8, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
Well I ordered the nu-box 360 because my friend has it too! Hmmmm Do they have a sound, but I still have to wait 2 weeks!!! 😭 But when they arrive, I'll annoy my neighbors a bit! 😬! Well, but I still have to wait. Best regards to the Nubert team! But especially to Mr. Bühler, thanks to his insightful answers to my questions! See you soon! 😎
Author: Günther Nubert
Mar 7, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
To the entry by Jochen Schulz (4.3.03): It is phenomenal that you are still not demoralized after 3 problems! - Thank you very much, Mr. Schulz! Such a large accumulation of errors has probably never happened to us before! We monitor our error rate very closely and believe that something like this is quite unique. Greetings, G. Nubert
Author: Kay
Mar 4, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
Hi Nobbi, you'll have to compare the prices for the ready-made box! 😱
Author: Jochen Schulz
Mar 4, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
It's now almost six months since I bought a complete NuWave system. Even during my visit, my expectations were exceeded by the professional competence (thanks to Mr. Reichelt) and outstanding sound. I very quickly decided on the NuBox 400 although the 580 would fit much better in my living room. Unfortunately, the 580 was not yet available to order at the time. I was a little disappointed when I found out that the NuBox 400 was not in stock. After another 10 days, the parts finally arrived and were quickly assembled. - And then came the shock! - The paintwork on both speakers was significantly damaged. A call to Nubert quickly clarified the situation and a short time later I had a new pair of speakers at home. But now I finally wanted to hear something and was disappointed again when I discovered that the woofer on one of the speakers was defective. Fortunately, Nubert places great emphasis on SERVICE and so I was sent a new woofer by return of post, but again I was disappointed because the new woofer was completely different to the old one. I was probably not the only one who was sent the wrong woofer and so I must have saved Nubert some costs because the Nubert team hadn't even noticed this until then. After another complete replacement of the two Nubox 400s, I am now finally able to enjoy the great sound of this system. All in all, I am very satisfied with this system and also with the problem-free service from Nubert. The only thing I have to complain about now is that my friends often miss me, but that's not your fault. 😬
Author: Marc Arnold
Mar 4, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
Hello, ordered box stand on Friday 3 pm, delivered on Saturday 9.30 am. The whole thing took less than 24 hours. Perfect Greetings Marc 😬