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Author: Klaus Martin Bardey
Feb 16, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello NFS, I am completely delighted with your service, ordered the PW-550 on Monday, received it on Wednesday, sent the AW-550 back to you for rebuilding at the same time, and then received the rebuilt AW-550 back on Saturday. :rolleyes: And the telephone consultations were also very productive, as was the consultation during the test listening in Schwäbisch Gmünd, where I was able to test the CDs and DVDs I had brought with me in peace and quiet. I will definitely recommend you to others......

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian
Feb 15, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

About the NuBox 380: As I've had the feeling for some time that my sub/sat system (from Böse... 🙂 ) was almost lacking in some frequency ranges, I started looking around for something better. A trade magazine made me curious about Nubert. Due to the size and price, I came across the NuBox 380. I was actually quite skeptical as to whether a mid-range bookshelf speaker could compete with a sub/sat system in terms of bass. And since it doesn't quite work the same way in Switzerland as it does in Germany when it comes to sending and testing speakers, I decided to make the 200 km trip to Aalen... And then, on the A7, I suddenly had doubts as to whether it was really worth it... And it was 😬! Now I know what was missing from the old system! Instead of the exaggerated high mids, there are now really silky and clear highs. Voices sound much warmer and more natural. And you can hear details, especially in the mid-range, that I didn't even know existed on the CD! But the bass produced by this speaker is simply amazing! On the one hand, it's not a bit quiet and on the other, it's very precise. With the previous subwoofer, everything was just booming away. With real pressure, but completely undifferentiated. Now I can even hear the difference between different bass instruments (I didn't even know they could sound so different 🙂 ). But the whole thing has three disadvantages 🙂: 1. the poor neighbors... 2. the household budget has to be used again at some point (for rears, center, ...) 3. I have to listen to my entire CD collection again to find out what's really on there!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lassoh C.
Feb 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hi Nu-Team, your products may not be the best on the market, BUT it would be very, very difficult to find this quality of sound and workmanship elsewhere in this - and many higher - price range. Let's see how long it will take you to top your Nuline series. Until then, I probably won't be buying any other speakers... I've replaced my CS-40 (for space reasons) with the more compact CS-150, but I miss the clearer presence of its big brother. By the way: Nulines look BETTER in real life. Continued success!!! Lassoh

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Freddy
Feb 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, I've heard a lot of good things about you, but I'd still like to listen to the speakers first. Too bad there aren't more listening studios... 😭

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mike S.
Feb 13, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert Team, I finally have my complete system (without sub) together. 2 x Nubox 380 2 x Nubox 310 1 x Nubox CS 330 I can only say that for me there is nothing better in this price range. Keep up the good work, quality and sound really are your top priority. An AW 880 will be added soon. 😬 Greetings Mike (now Nubi....) 😱

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jan
Feb 13, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I've had my AW7 and my CS-4 since Christmas, and have already tested both extensively 😬 my (school) grade for the AW7 is a straight 1 !!!! I can only recommend it to all Nubert noobies, I've never heard such great bass before !!! 😂 All I can say about the CS-4 is RESPECT, Mr. Nubert really did a great job !!! I'm also going to get a pair of NuWave3 soon or think about NuBox 380! 🙂 MFG Jan Ps: Nubert speakers rulen !!!! 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dennis Becker
Feb 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

nubox 360 hello, i have to congratulate you again :-) i ordered the nuwave3 for the 2nd time (1 pair are mounted on the wall in the living room (rear)) for my attic/bedroom. unfortunately the nuwave3 didn't sound as i had imagined (the room conditions aren't that great either, laminate, coated wooden ceiling etc.), so i sent them back and simply ordered the cheaper version nubox 360. i was surprised at first about the solid construction. the sound simply comes across better from the nubox than from the nuwave3. i think this is strongly room-related in my case (reflections, resonance frequencies...). the treble was very strong in my case (pionner amplifier, bass at +2 treble at -4.5. i then called Nubert and asked for advice. they sent me four 24mh coils. i tried them out and halved one coil (wire). the result: i had reached my target value with 36mh. so much speaker for this price + service?! unbelievable what Nubert has developed again! 😬 thanks to you! ps: sorry that I took the cheaper box 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralph
Feb 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

A warm hello to the Nubert team :-) First of all, I would like to thank you for the prompt delivery of the brochure. Very nicely laid out and extremely informative. Now I'm going to browse through it extensively to find the perfect center speaker in the hope that it will match my existing Chario loudspeakers. So I'll certainly take up the offer to try it out at home soon, because that's the only way I can find out whether it fits in well acoustically. Many greetings from beautiful Upper Swabia Ralph

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matze
Feb 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

NUBOX 380- really great 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Boob
Feb 10, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

On Thursday at 10 am I ordered 2x Nuline 80 and the Center CS-150. On Friday at 10.30 a nice UPS lady rang to bring me my new speakers. That's what I call fast delivery !!! Then quickly unpacked, connected and tuned to my existing AW-550 !!! Wow, what's going on now ?! Pure sound !!! Thanks to the NUBERT company, you have far exceeded my expectations and added one more satisfied customer to your ranks !!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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