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Author: Andreas Franke
Feb 10, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Many thanks to the Nubert team!!! Shortly before New Year's Eve 2002/03, I bought 2 used subwoofers, AW550 and PW 550. Unfortunately, I broke the AW550 at the New Year's Eve party and immediately sent the subwoofer to Nubert. After a week, it was back at my home, fully functional and perfectly repaired! As I was not a customer, I expected an invoice, but to this day I have not received one. The fact that something like this still exists in this day and age is very commendable. Nubert has gained a new customer in me and I will soon be ordering center and rear speakers. Here's something else about the sound: I use the subwoofers with a Marantz 5200 AV receiver that I bought after New Year's Eve (after the damage). The bass is sheer madness, I've never heard it so clear and clean. I will definitely recommend you to others as you are not yet so well known in the new federal states. Thanks again from Leipzig!!! 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mootz Christoph
Feb 7, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Nubox 310 and nuBox AW 880 a super combo. You just have to say that. The 310's sound is absolutely clean and amazingly dynamic. Where their limit begins, namely in the low bass range, the sub comes into play wonderfully and thus enables a great music and home theater experience. As a tip, it should be noted that the 310s should definitely be positioned properly (e.g. on a 70 cm speaker stand approx. 1 m away from the wall), this will give you even more room dynamics and trying out all sub positions and settings can also mean a quantum leap in sound. Because when everything is optimally tuned to the room, the combo sounds amazing!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernd Schwegmann
Feb 2, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Dear NSF, I just wanted to let you know: I picked up my speakers (Nuline 100/CS40/DS50/AW7) including receiver four weeks ago, you can keep my money, I'm not giving them away anymore, my living room has mutated into a Cinemaxx. Thanks again for the really great advice. Greetings from Hesse 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Günter Bußmann
Feb 1, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

The pair of nuWave 125s were delivered by UPS at midday on January 24, 2003. The packaging was dented in one place, but thanks to the good packaging there was no damage to the speakers. The nuWave 124 are an absolute experiment for me, because they have to stand comparison with the Infinity Kappa 9a. Background: 1. interesting, well-founded telephone consultation with Nubert. 2. delivery OK, professional packaging. 3. unpacking, assembly, connection everything great, good terminals, my banana plugs fitted perfectly. Good overall impression. 4. visually I like them very much. Slim with silver front. Convincing. 5. the first sound impression, interesting, but the same conditions as the Infinity still have to be created. In the evening I connected both pairs of speakers to a Luxman M-03 power amplifier with the same cabling. After intensive listening to various CDs ranging from classical, jazz and pop to rock, I can report the following: - I can understand the advice given when ordering the nuWave 125 - to give it a party right away. The nuWave already had a strong first performance, but improved significantly. - I'm always impressed by the Infinity, but the nuWave 125 is always a tad more direct, clearer, perhaps more distinct. I was particularly impressed with classical music and jazz. There it shows off its directness, clean bass and clarity with more pressure than the Infinity. - In terms of appearance and components, the nuWave 125 looks like a baby compared to the Infinity, perhaps David against Goliath. - It is all the more astonishing that the sound is at least on a par, or perhaps even better. The nuWave impresses with clear, linear, clean sounds. With classical music, for example, I get the impression that the strings are even clearer, more distinct and more pleasant than with the Infinity. - With pop and rock, the nuWave 125 is on a par with the Infinity. However, the better the recording, the more the nuWave 125 stands out from the Infinity! Great LS. Rated very good or perhaps excellent? Have fun to all those who have not yet heard the nubis. Greetings 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolfgang B.
Jan 30, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello visitors to the guestbook, in 1998, as an inveterate hobby loudspeaker builder, I bought a ready-made loudspeaker for the first time. I was so impressed by a nuwave 8 during a listening test in Schwäbischgmünd that I packed it straight away. When I heard it at home for the first time, I was honestly a little disappointed. My old Axton AX80 speakers somehow sounded more dynamic and warmer. After a two-week break-in period, the nuwave 8 really settled in. The great three-dimensionality and the tight, lively sound quickly made me overlook the deficits in the mid-bass range. Over the past few years, my Nubert collection has grown to include a complete Nuwave surround system. Building a house last year finally cleared the way for an AW-7 . This was the crowning glory of my home cinema system. Movies became really big now. Despite the small TV, you feel like you're sitting in front of a big screen. Scenes such as the pod race from Star Wars Episode 1 really make your trouser legs flap. It's a feeling that I've only ever experienced in good discotheques and it never ceases to amaze my guests. A big compliment to the Nubert development department for this jewel. Tips for all new Nubert customers: Nubert loudspeakers simply need high-quality hardware. ( From the player to the amplifier ) 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: steffen
Jan 29, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

so!!!!just ordered the nubox 580 and will compare it with my hecos reflex 45, I'm curious. will keep you up to date. greetings to the Nubert team, great homepage. 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ulrich K.
Jan 29, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, two of us made the 260km journey to Schwäbisch Gmünd on 25.01.03 to listen to the NuLine 30 with ABL, NuBox 380 and 580 and had no regrets. After 2 hours of listening and good advice, the decision was made in favor of the NuLine 30 with ABL (incl. 70cm high stands). We were able to take everything with us except for the ABL module. The module was supposed to be delivered in week 7, but oh wonder, the post office already delivered it on January 28 (Tuesday). Hats off! The NuLines were immediately tested without the module (amplifier: Mission Cyrus One), the result was (after a few hours of getting used to it) already very positive. With the ABL module there was then (via the tape connections) the hoped-for revelation. Everything now meets my wishes and expectations, although I still need to experiment a little with the settings on the module. Once again, many thanks to the Nubert team for the tips during the test listening and the prompt subsequent delivery. Greetings Ulrich K.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lars M.
Jan 28, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert community *G* Finally, after my relocation phase, I was able to take a closer look at the new NuWave 125, or rather put it under my ear. A lot of people here have already written glowing reviews about this speaker, but that doesn't stop me from sharing my impressions: The Nuwave10 and NuWave8 are not bad speakers, but it's quite something when you can immediately hear details with the 125 that you could hardly hear before with the 10. There is an enormous improvement in the mid-range in particular - I noticed this the first time I tried them out in Schwäbisch-Gmünd. My first reaction: I put the NuWave10 on eBay and ordered the 125s. The NuWave10 + ABL option was also clearly at a disadvantage compared to the 125. The 125 is also a real joy in the (low) bass department: surprisingly, it comes reasonably close to the depth and power of the AW1000, and I'm also impressed by the increased impulse fidelity and thus the music suitability. Even in combination with 4x RS5, 1xCS4, 1xAW1000 with DTS ES, you can hear a clear audible improvement in sound with the 125s, many sounds are simply easier to locate. I guess this is due to the enormous spatiality of the 125's. Fortunately, my concerns that both the small RS5 dipoles and the CS4 center speaker would be drowned out by their size have not been confirmed at all: It sounds fantastic! But the best praise recently came from an acquaintance: he bought a comparable system for the same amount from a (demonic *G* ) direct mail order company in Berlin and is now considering whether to switch because this Nubert combination is audibly better in almost all sound disciplines. Conclusion: Caution is the order of the day! I initially only bought the AW880, and after only 6 months I'm standing here with a NuWave8 + RS5 system in my bedroom and the set described above for my home theater. Keep your wallets safe!!! ACh yes: Many thanks also to Mr. Reichelt, whose expert advice has made such a sound experience possible. CIAO !!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hermann
Jan 24, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team ! I received your Nuline 80 series speakers promptly after 3 days, and was very surprised that delivery to Austria went so smoothly 🙂. After connecting the speakers to the Pioneer 2011 and DVD 757Ai, the first listening test came, I was very amazed at what I could still hear from the old CD's. Can only recommend you, keep it up, the AW-1000 is also a madness!!!! Only the small distance to the DS-50 loudspeakers, the 4 inserts to the record could be a little bigger. That's the only flaw I have to complain about, because it's hard to get to the toggle switch? Otherwise you guys are AWESOME :rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marc Büchner
Jan 24, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, at the beginning of 1998 I bought the nuWave 8 loudspeakers, at that time with the personal advice of Günter Nubert and a listening test in his home. Today I came across the homepage again by chance and have to say that a lot of information is more detailed and the site has changed quite a bit. To take the wind out of the sails of all the critics, I still have the nuWave 8 and won't give it away (at least not for a non-Nubert speaker).....even after five years. For me, it is still the top-class loudspeaker series. In my review letter of March 1998 I wrote: ..... Unfortunately, I am not yet able to judge whether the price is still justified after a few years. Today I have to say that I haven't regretted the decision to switch to Nubert speakers for a minute. I would even say that the sound has improved over the course of time and the change of home has not detracted from this. I can recommend the nuWave 8 without reservation. If anyone wants to rediscover their CD or record collection - with the nuWave 8 it's no problem at all. Thanks again to Günther Nubert for the listening experience and Martin Bühler for the excellent support. Marc Büchner

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