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Author: Marius
Jan 22, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Finally connected two NuLine30 plus AW550 to my receiver a few hours ago!!! What a day!!!! The speakers really conjure up an incredible sound in my room - the small sub plays incredibly well dynamically! Simply indescribable..... Many thanks at this point for the friendly customer service and this amazing range of products. This will definitely not be my last order :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jan Rathmann
Jan 20, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I've been the happy owner of a pair of nuLine 30s for 4 days now and am extremely satisfied. The workmanship is superb and compared to the 12 year old Heco predecessors I estimate the increase in sound quality to be at least 200%!!!! The speakers sound wonderfully relaxed and unobtrusive and turn even CDs that have been listened to 50 times into an experience again, as sound details are now revealed that were simply not audible before. My next investment will probably be a new amplifier/receiver, as the speakers clearly show the limits of my current (rather cheap) model in terms of performance and sound quality. Their successful homepage also contributed to my decision in favor of Nubert. You really couldn't wish for more information about the products and it's rare to find such an uncomplicated and convenient way of ordering. I had also looked into other manufacturers (Canton, Elac...), but there was very little to be found about the technical data of the respective speakers, sometimes not even an RRP, whereas here you have access to instructions, construction details and much more. With this in mind, I wish Nubert a successful future!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: benny
Jan 20, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I am looking for a speaker for a friend's ATL-HD 310 S. One of them has broken, please help.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hajo
Jan 16, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, Nubert fans, for months I've been waiting like a cat in front of a mouse hole for the nuLine 100 kirsch speaker bargain. I've checked Nubert's website countless times. Now the time had come. Today I set up the speakers and started my first listening tests. Conclusion: I have a new CD collection. I'm experiencing it in a completely new way. The 4th movement of Camille Saint-Saens' Organ Symphony No. 3 (EMI Classics, Orchestre National de France, Seiji Ozawa) brought tears of joy to my eyes. And with the bass muted, because the speakers are quite close to the wall or in the corner. Thank goodness I have a detached house and was able to really enjoy the CD without anyone banging on the ceiling. But even at low volumes, the speakers are well balanced. Recording? Forget it. That's hi-fi voodoo. There's no breaking in like in a car. The speaker chassis and crossovers do not change their properties, at most after 30 years when the outer foam surround crumbles, as has already happened. The whole thing is more of a psycho-acoustic process, you tune in and re-equalize your ear canal. Over the years, I had also become accustomed to the old speakers, 2 shelf speakers from Heco on stands + passive subwoofer from Revox. An exotic combination, but not so bad, as guests confirmed to me. They will live on in the basement studio as monitors on the computer for hard disk recording. I will give the packaging boxes to the kids next door, they are wonderful playhouses. Returning them is out of the question, except for warranty cases. Oh, before I forget, the speakers are powered by an older Yamaha receiver. I'll probably make some improvements to that too. In any case, I can only recommend Nubert. It's a typical tinkerer like Burmester, for example, but it's affordable. Hajo 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: K.M.Bardey
Jan 15, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I am now also the proud owner of Nubert speakers.🙂 I actually only wanted to swap my old speakers for some new ones, but after the listening experience in the studio in Schwäbisch Gmünd, I was more enthusiastic about the sound of the nu310 in combination with the AW-550 and bought them together with the new CS-150 center speaker.🙂 I am really impressed with the sound and will certainly be purchasing the corresponding rear speakers soon. It's amazing what a clean sound these small speakers produce. 🙂 It's not just fun to watch movies, music also sounds so much better than before.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hilge
Jan 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I bought the surround package with the Nuline 100 and am actually satisfied. But two things annoy me: When I asked a consultant on the 0800 number whether a Yamaha DSP-A595a would be enough for this system, he said: Sure, no problem! That's not true at all! CDs sounded garbled and painfully harsh. At first I thought I had made a mistake buying the speakers, but then I borrowed an amplifier from a dealer I trusted, a Marantz SR 7300. What a difference, like night and day! Both in stereo mode and in surround mode, it's a class improvement! I have posted the tiresome topic of recording time in the forum, I have kept the amplifier. (paid for) But I still don't know whether I'll keep the speakers, because if break-in time really plays a role, I don't know why you can't get the speakers broken in!!! Greetings Hilge

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hilge
Jan 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Addendum: The speakers were delivered retracted, it should say. Greetings, Hilge

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: G. Warnecke
Jan 13, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

It looks like the nuWave 125s are going to stay in my living room ... even if they are as monstrous as my wife says they are. Now I've been thinking all the time about how to describe the difference before and after. And this is what I've come up with: hearing nuBis is like having someone pull the cotton plug out of your ear. Or like when you finally get glasses or put your glasses on in the morning and can finally see clearly again. Or three-dimensional hearing instead of two-dimensional hearing. Sure, you can listen to music with any speaker and even with the portable radio (like I used to with my old DiscoBoxes [now called BlechEimer]), but once you've experienced the difference, you probably won't want anything else ... But what am I saying - you all know that already. Best regards 2U all G. Warnecke

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: B. Hoppe
Jan 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Sapnho is quite right: I found out about Nubert from the ZEIT article. I like listening to music, but mostly in the background. Clearly a layman. But can you say no to 127 euros? So I swapped my ancient speakers for the entry-level NuBox 310 (to Onkyo A 8450). When the speakers were perfectly positioned (thanks to the documentation!) and then Metallica S&M was playing, I suddenly got a good idea of what the professionals mean when they talk about spatial depth, resolution and hearing instruments 🙂 I had to quickly buy more classical CDs because my cheap versions didn't utilize the speakers at all. Addictive!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thias
Jan 10, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I had a pair of NuWave 10s sent to me (the comments here are forcing me to buy them) and my first listening impression was well, a bit better than my old Geithain, but it didn't blow me away. Sure, very transparent and finely detailed, you can hear every instrument in front of you, but the bottom end lacks some substance. So try 2 with ABL. I had always thought that an EQ could do something like that...but no. The transparency continues downwards... indeed, the impression becomes more spatial. I know what a base drum has to sound like (I'm a live engineer), normally you need 18' speakers in big PW horns... It's amazing, I finally have something in my living room that I normally only hear through a large PA... the volume of a base drum and the kick clearly in front of me. Compliments Nubert, a home system has never achieved that before. It really creates a live impression, even though CDs are pretty over-compressed these days. I will probably use them as studio monitors for my next CD production. So my tip: NuWave 10 but only with ABL 🙂

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