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Author: Andy H.
Sep 23, 2019, 4:22:23 PM

Hello dear Nubert team!

A few days ago I purchased this sensational Nubox 425 Jubilee.
Top looks (front in Coral) and sound performance for this low price are normally unattainable.
For me, the absolute highlight of the speakers is the expressive vocal reproduction with a clarity that I have never heard in this form before, even with much more expensive speakers.
Lucky are those who can still acquire these speakers!

Many thanks to the Nubert team!

MfG Andy H.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Martin vdH
Sep 17, 2019, 11:56:05 AM

Hello to the Nubert team,

I now have the X-8000 in operation and must say that I have never had such great listening pleasure!

The 'predecessors' of the X-8000 (Quadral, T+A, Dynaudio) are all great speakers, but the X-8000, in addition to the high level of detail/clarity (across all frequencies), also has the 'ultimate-raven-black-ultra-precise-bone-dry? frequency cellar and is, in terms of the overall concept
(excellent sound image + high number of interfaces + high functionality + included power electronics) is unbeatable.
Grandiose !!! The feel and design are first class. The pricing is more than fair.

Many thanks also to Nubert's telephone support, very friendly, very competent and a call back within a very short time. Unfortunately, I had problems with the initial setup, but now everything is fine.
Top service, that's what I call customer proximity in action!

Best regards from the far north

Martin vdH

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: NewNubi
Sep 16, 2019, 11:38:42 AM

Dear Nubert team and especially dear Mr. Schatz in the Aalen store,

A few weeks ago, we tested the speakers in Aalen for several hours unannounced and were delighted with the speakers and the discreet advice!

The idea (Teufel Stereo L) led me to the NuPros A700 and X-8000 over the last few months. Actually, we just wanted to try them out.

We ended up with two NuLine 334s with a Yamaha R-N803D and a Yamaha WX-021, which we bought together with NuMove.
This saved on shipping costs and we got a set of cables on top.

The extension of the return period was also great because we wanted to go on vacation in the meantime. That's a real courtesy.

Now that we're back from vacation, we're really enjoying listening to music.
We won't be returning anything 😬

Best regards!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hermann Dintenfelder
Sep 15, 2019, 4:30:02 PM

I would like to express my enthusiasm.

The nuVERO30s sound great and are top quality.

The service is 1A, fast delivery in top packaging.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jörg Krause
Sep 15, 2019, 3:45:25 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,
I've had the A 250 from you for a few days now.
I'm completely satisfied, it does exactly what it should. Without a lot of fuss. Delivery, quick to connect, simple sound. Completely sufficient for me.
I will definitely recommend you to others and remain a customer.
With kind regards

Jörg Krause

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jo'y
Sep 14, 2019, 9:49:41 AM

Hello Nubert Team.
I treated myself to the nupro x-3000???.
All I can say is simply sensational ?
You should always be careful with test results, but this speaker is 100% accurate.
Keep up the good work ?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Emanuele Japichino
Sep 14, 2019, 9:00:49 AM

Hello Mr. Nubert and team

When I saw the CD "FASCINATION WITH SOUND, songs that inspired Mr. Nubert to build loudspeakers", I had to order it immediately. However, apart from the artists Gabriela y Rodrigo, all the names were (still) unfamiliar to me.

As soon as the CD arrived, I popped it into the CD player and ... the sun rose in my room! The NuLine334 brings every note across clearly, no matter how subtle. Here are just 2 examples. Kari Bremnes' voice comes out of the speakers as if she were standing in the room singing just for me. Although I'm not a fan of soft sounds like Ayub Ogada's, I get goose bumps just thinking about the song and the NuLine's reproduction.

Dear Nubert team. Now I know why these songs inspired Mr. Nubert to build loudspeakers. And if you want to know why I love the NuLine334 so much, just put on "Friday Night in San Francisco" with Paco de Lucia, Aldi Meola and John McLaughlin. It's hard to take my grin away after listening to this CD about the NuLine. 😬

Best regards
Emanuele Japichino

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Erka
Sep 12, 2019, 10:27:09 AM

+++ Nubert nuPro AS-250 +++

Hello Nubert team,

When I read this text on your website, I know what you are all about:

(...) Do you know this? Your friend showed you his latest acquisition, "a super cool surround set". You listened eagerly to the first sounds ...

Well, not bad in a way. But sound that really gets under your skin? That's not what you had in mind! And the musical test with your favorite CDs wasn't the real deal either. It sounded a bit more spacious, but it wasn't really inspiring! (...)

I tried it out with two sound decks and that's the best way to describe it.

The AS-250 is a very, very good alternative if you not only want to improve the sound of your TV, but also if you have to do without stereo speakers for space reasons.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alex
Sep 9, 2019, 9:08:12 AM

I've been a proud x8000 owner for about a week now. I made exactly the right decision. Great speakers, incredibly good sound! Thank you very much.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Nick
Sep 7, 2019, 10:52:47 PM

X 3000:

I have a pair of X3000s in my conservatory, living room or hobby room. They are actually used as a sound backdrop for a mobile projector setting in the approx. 35 m² conservatory. As I have a Nuline 5.1 surround set in the living room, it was important to me to have good sound for listening to music and watching movies in the conservatory in summer. Soundbars - including the AW250 - didn't seem suitable for this. So I called Nubert and enquired about a suitable stereo sound solution. It was important to me to have as little cable clutter as possible. And look here: the X3000s don't need any cables and only require a mains connection. Following the recommendation, I ordered them and they blew me away. My sound system can't keep up with this precision and clarity. I thought the conservatory would be difficult to set up, as it only consists of a stone floor, glass and plaster walls. No problem at all for the X3000. I let them work as front speakers, set them up at a slight angle in front of the screen and sit about 2 1/2 m away. A great sound experience and unbelievable bass. And the good thing: compared to my AW1000 subwoofer, which tends to boom, the bass response of the X3000 is much smoother and completely adequate. We tested it with lots of different music (bass-heavy workout music, classical music, pop music, lounge music, etc.) and especially with movies like Transformers. The speakers always delivered a great performance.

And now the surprising thing. The speakers are super easy to set up (via the speakers themselves; the app didn't really work for me) and play wonderfully interference-free via bluetooth. Pairing worked immediately. The speakers are very easy to operate, especially with the amazingly high-quality remote control, which fits very well in the hand and has all the necessary buttons, especially the option to put the speakers into standby mode. A product that couldn't be more sophisticated and that surprises me every time with its cleverness.

And in combination with the BS652 speaker stands - both of which I have in white - a dream (also with the cable routing). The only drawback: the mains plug is not angled and not available in white. But you can buy that cheaply elsewhere.

And finally: many thanks to the Nubert team. Once again you have made a customer happy.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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