Author: Andreas W (glücklich über beide Ohren)
Oct 2, 2019, 9:05:19 PM
For a whole Monday afternoon in April, I was allowed to compare the stack of CDs I had brought with me and "calibrated" at home with my ears and my nuVero 14 with the new models in the demonstration room in Gmünd. This generosity alone is proof of nubert's customer-centricity, thank you very much!
The loudspeakers (and wonderful pieces of furniture) that I then decided on from home a few days later were the very ones that I had initially ignored on that Monday afternoon and had therefore not listened to. However, my confidence in the sound quality of the nubert floorstanding speakers I had already owned and the new ones I had heard was so strong that I couldn't get away from the nuPyramide 717 ...and simply ordered them without having heard them.
My customer feedback will now only be given in October, a whole six months after the purchase. Why so late? The answer is simple: I could no longer avoid the amazement and time-consuming re-listening to large parts of my LP collection, summer or not. The listening experience is of such incredible quality! The audiophile level is on a par with live acts, and that in the living room. The repeated amazement of my ears immersed in sound harmony happens even with my eyes open. I now live in a true "music hall", alluding to my mmf 9.3 record player.
nuControl 2 and nuPower a supply the pyramidal music monuments, which blend discreetly into the room, with the right signals. Each of my records now plays on a whole new level! But the CD collection can and must also be listened to in a new way: The "upsampling" of the Cambridge Audio azur 840C, which you can hear from the first second of sampling, is now also in a completely different league!
To Günther Nubert and Thomas Bien (et al.); and to my customer advisor Stefan Botticella, and to all those who make such a LISTENING EXPERIENCE and "LISTENING EXPERIENCE" possible in the first place, my sincere and daily renewed thanks from the bottom of my heart and both of my happy ears!
Author: Roland München
Oct 2, 2019, 10:29:55 AM
Hello Mr. Nubert, Roland, Martin and the whole Nubi team.
I have known your company and your great products for an estimated 40 years now. (I bought my first system including Nubert loudspeakers in the store in Ellwangen) I have been able to witness the amazing development of your company, partly directly and partly from afar. I recently had the honor of visiting your new company building in Gmünd at the nuDays. It was very impressive. All the employees were very friendly and courteous. I was very impressed by everything.
And yes, over the years a pair of speakers from another manufacturer has crept into my home. But don't give up, the other one is now out again and I am the proud owner of the new 717 Pyramid 😬
I was tempted by the pyramid many years ago, I just didn't have the necessary change back then 😉 But now I've fulfilled this childhood dream. Thanks again to everyone in the team for making this wish come true.
And if anyone from Munich or the surrounding area is reading this, please feel free to come and have a listen. You can certainly get in touch via your colleagues at Nubert.
Keep up the good work!
A loyal fan and customer. Roland
Author: Neutron
Sep 30, 2019, 3:19:25 PM
Hello from the Pott ( Duisburg )
Proud owner of the Nuvero 14 for a few days now.
Not the newest model, but one of the best.
I've been in the hi-fi business for many years, tried out a few things and invested a lot of money, some of it for nothing, some of it justified.
Whether Canton or Klipsch, I've had a lot of speakers and the corresponding I think I've arrived.
The Nuvero 14 are, without exaggeration, the best I have heard and experienced in about 35 years of hi-fi.respect......
You have won a new Nubert fan.
Mfg B.Reimann
Author: fritz summer
Sep 27, 2019, 9:20:46 AM
Dear Sir or Madam ,
How would it be if the NU- Vero 110/140 were also equipped as an active speaker ? The appearance of these speakers could also be brought up to date. While the Nubert speakers continue to lead the field in terms of sound, their aesthetics are far inferior to those of Canton.
In the living room, it is not only the sound quality that counts, but also the appearance.
(Especially for the spouse!)
Looking forward to an answer
Author: Helmut R.
Sep 27, 2019, 7:38:08 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Last Friday's nuDay was extremely impressive for me. Without wanting to be too cute, you could feel that every employee identifies with this company. I have never experienced the recognizable passion to develop and produce a top product and the ambition to become even better. I would like to thank you very much for this great day. nuDays was an experience and I am convinced that it will be the same in the future. Many thanks again.
With kind regards
Helmut R.
Author: Lülsdorf
Sep 24, 2019, 6:22:45 PM
Hello, dear Nubert team.
I purchased the nuBox 383 from you a few days ago.
I was not only impressed by the fast delivery, the speakers also sound very good.
I am certainly convinced.
Author: Andy H.
Sep 23, 2019, 4:22:23 PM
Hello dear Nubert team!
A few days ago I purchased this sensational Nubox 425 Jubilee.
Top looks (front in Coral) and sound performance for this low price are normally unattainable.
For me, the absolute highlight of the speakers is the expressive vocal reproduction with a clarity that I have never heard in this form before, even with much more expensive speakers.
Lucky are those who can still acquire these speakers!
Many thanks to the Nubert team!
MfG Andy H.
Author: Martin vdH
Sep 17, 2019, 11:56:05 AM
Hello to the Nubert team,
I now have the X-8000 in operation and must say that I have never had such great listening pleasure!
The 'predecessors' of the X-8000 (Quadral, T+A, Dynaudio) are all great speakers, but the X-8000, in addition to the high level of detail/clarity (across all frequencies), also has the 'ultimate-raven-black-ultra-precise-bone-dry? frequency cellar and is, in terms of the overall concept
(excellent sound image + high number of interfaces + high functionality + included power electronics) is unbeatable.
Grandiose !!! The feel and design are first class. The pricing is more than fair.
Many thanks also to Nubert's telephone support, very friendly, very competent and a call back within a very short time. Unfortunately, I had problems with the initial setup, but now everything is fine.
Top service, that's what I call customer proximity in action!
Best regards from the far north
Martin vdH
Author: NewNubi
Sep 16, 2019, 11:38:42 AM
Dear Nubert team and especially dear Mr. Schatz in the Aalen store,
A few weeks ago, we tested the speakers in Aalen for several hours unannounced and were delighted with the speakers and the discreet advice!
The idea (Teufel Stereo L) led me to the NuPros A700 and X-8000 over the last few months. Actually, we just wanted to try them out.
We ended up with two NuLine 334s with a Yamaha R-N803D and a Yamaha WX-021, which we bought together with NuMove.
This saved on shipping costs and we got a set of cables on top.
The extension of the return period was also great because we wanted to go on vacation in the meantime. That's a real courtesy.
Now that we're back from vacation, we're really enjoying listening to music.
We won't be returning anything 😬
Best regards!
Author: Hermann Dintenfelder
Sep 15, 2019, 4:30:02 PM
I would like to express my enthusiasm.
The nuVERO30s sound great and are top quality.
The service is 1A, fast delivery in top packaging.