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Author: Thomas
Jul 2, 2019, 6:48:54 PM

(if you want to read the short version -> last sentence)

For decades I had an old 5.1 system from Eltax with a Sony receiver (bought at the end of the 90s). Two years ago I had a look around the electronics market and decided to switch to a sound deck. Also and above all because the wife no longer liked the black speakers.

Yes, at the beginning of the year I got the old speakers out of the cellar again and realized that they sounded better than the old deck. The pressure from the old woofer was already better than the little bit that came out of the deck.

Nevertheless, I couldn't get a conversation with two old friends out of my head. They said something about Nubert. Nubert must build good speakers at good prices. I've always wanted good speakers, but thousands of euros? how am I supposed to explain that to my wife?

Thanks to a special payment from my employer, I simply ordered 2 Nubert nuLine 34s in white, so there are no black loudspeakers in the apartment.

My wife likes the look of them and they can stay on the shelf. In terms of sound, what can I say? I would never have expected the sound for 335? the piece. even if everyone had written it. I then picked out a few songs. Marilyn Manson - Killing Strangers The 2 speakers blast away like there's no tomorrow. I got up and checked to see if the woofer was on, but no. These 2 small speakers produce a sound and bass that will blow your socks off. I now often catch my wife sitting on the sofa listening to music.

The speakers are also very powerful when they are quiet. very clear vocals when watching TV, even if you watch quietly (because it's late or because the child is asleep)

next, i'm going to retire my old woofer and buy the nuline AW-600 (in white). it looks so good that it can stand next to the wall unit and i won't have to hide it. i'll report back! I think the report will be good again!

A clear recommendation to buy! You simply can't go wrong.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Canis Lupus
Jun 27, 2019, 4:11:35 PM

Dear "Nubis", yesterday I put the Nubert nuBox AS-225 into operation in my bedroom. What comes out of this speaker is absolutely brilliant. Regardless of the player, the sound is worlds apart from my old "non-angel" 5.1.
And: The device does not forgive bad MP3s.
My expectations were exceeded in every respect. It can even play really loud without rattling. If anything rattles, it's the cupboard doors. 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: B Kathöfer
Jun 26, 2019, 4:30:24 PM

I have already made several positive comments about the service.
Now it's time for criticism :

One of my A 100s was repaired as a gesture of goodwill a year ago. (And I would like to thank them once again...!)

Unfortunately, barely a year later there was another problem.
I contacted the service department by e-mail and after some back and forth, my last question was how the whole thing should be handled in practice.
What followed was SENDESTILLE ...

I called the service a few days later, got the information I needed, sent the box for repair and received confirmation that the box had arrived at the repair center. Then SENDESTILLE again.

I contacted customer service again by email to find out what had happened and was told that I should pay the invoice, otherwise the box would not be returned. Understandable.
What is incomprehensible, however, is that my reply that I had not received an invoice was SENDESTILLE AGAIN -
(instead of finally sending me this invoice!)

I called the support team AGAIN and finally got the invoice.
The bank transfer went out 10 minutes later.
Let's see if I get the thing now or if it goes silent again.
😟 😟

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Kathöfer,

We would like to formally apologize for the inconvenience caused! Nobody is perfect and mistakes happen. However, the fact that there were apparently multiple delays with this repair order is unacceptable and your disappointment is absolutely understandable.
We will endeavor to understand why requested responses were not received in this case and find suitable measures to prevent such a series of breakdowns in the future.

I would like to inform you that the loudspeaker sent in for repair has been repaired by us and is already on its way back to you by post.

We apologize again!
We hope that this unpleasant matter will come to a conciliatory conclusion for you and that you will remain a loyal customer.

On behalf of the sales management
Jörg Reichelt

Author: H.-J. Seiler
Jun 15, 2019, 2:11:01 PM

Yesterday I became the proud owner of the new NuPro X-8000, which I bought as the successor to my 5.1. system to go back to stereo.
Absolute enthusiasm.
Beforehand I went to Duisburg for a listening test. Mr. Schneider gave me very good and pleasant advice there. There was enough time to listen in and Mr. Schneider's music suggestion (would you also like to listen to the title) proved to be a very good reference song.
The speakers almost sound even better in my home.
In any case, I am very satisfied (5*) and can only say that the speakers are worth every penny! 😬
Many thanks for the great advice and reliable delivery

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Orams
Jun 12, 2019, 1:10:06 PM

Hello everyone,

After hearing and seeing the 8000 Nu`s at the HiFi Days 11.2018 in Darmstadt and my wife praised them as beautiful 😂 and we listened to the 8000s in Duisburg in May 2019, our decision was made:
The long-standing 4.1. Heco Celan surround system must (unfortunately) go.
Now we're enjoying hi-fi 2.0 again with the 8000s.
The delivery took place quickly after a telephone agreement, and after some discussion the 8000s were also delivered to our hallway and not just to the kerbside. Special thanks to the Nubert listening studio in Duisburg: after making an appointment, we were able to listen to various Nuberts at our leisure and thus make the right decision. However, I then ordered the 8000s online so that I didn't have to drive to Duisburg again.
I recommend a personal listening test and consultation in the Nubert listening studios to every prospective buyer.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stephan
Jun 8, 2019, 9:56:22 AM

Yesterday I received a pair of nuPro X-3000s and set them up as best I could in the kitchen. To cut a long story short, such small speakers perform so wonderfully that I would never have imagined it. As a former owner of the nuBox 681, I think I can allow myself a judgment. The small speakers play at eye level. All respect Mr. Nubert.
Many thanks to the Nubert team. Great advice as always.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hans Bruns
Jun 6, 2019, 11:20:59 AM

First of all, congratulations on your new Pro X series. I have been a very satisfied Nubert customer for over 15 years. A few weeks ago I switched from my 5.1 system, consisting of Nuvero 30, 60 and 70 with Nubox 993, to the Nupro X 6000. Although I can only listen to stereo now, I am absolutely delighted with the speakers. Not only the variety of possibilities, but especially the sound is still fascinating for me and always surprises me. To complete my happiness in this area 😉 I would now like to have an AV preamplifier with which I can integrate the active speakers wirelessly as a rear or center. Since Nubert has so far responded to customer requests very promptly and competently, I hope that my wish will be realized quickly. I would very much like to invest some money in a 5.0 system again. The X-4000 and XS-7500 would harmonize very well with the X-6000.

With kind regards

Hans Bruns 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Bruns,

Thank you very much for your positive entry.
As we generally do not want to offer OEM products and our own developments in the extremely fast-moving AV segment would simply overtax our development capacity, we cannot give you any real hope on the subject of AV preamplifiers from our company.
We recommend the YAMAHA CX-A5200 AV preamplifier.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope you continue to enjoy your nubert components.

Your nubert team

Author: Karl
Jun 6, 2019, 9:34:45 AM

I have had the Nuvero 11 since 2010 and have continuously upgraded my home theater with all Nuvero speakers and subwoofers.
My last purchase was the Yamaha CX-A5100 preamplifier with Rotel RMB1075 power amplifier.
Everything runs via an LG OLED TV with the best picture quality.
An OPPO 203 for UHD and Bluray playback.
All the best cinema and great sound, thanks to Nubert.

Many greetings to the Nubert team and keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ecker Manfred
Jun 3, 2019, 5:08:44 AM

Center speaker CS-413
Very fast delivery after online order, excellently packaged.
Connected straight away to my DENON receiver on my 5.0 system. The sound is excellent for me, whether it's speech, classical music or a DVD or Bluray movie. You simply find yourself in the middle of it and enjoy it.
Another great product from NUBERT with which I am very satisfied.
M.E. from Upper Austria

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Jacobs
May 30, 2019, 5:48:45 PM

As I wear hearing aids, I can only enjoy hi-fi when I take my hearing aids off and listen to music in the basement at a volume that is unacceptable for "normal ears". In order to compensate for the qualitative deficits of my hearing aids, I first bought the "universal tuning module" from Nubert for my old speakers and a few weeks later the Vero 30 from Nubert. With both Nubert products, I was able to significantly compensate for my qualitative hearing losses by cleverly combining the speaker and tuning module settings. Music has regained the magic it once had for me before my gradual hearing loss many years ago! I have regained an incredible quality of life! Thanks to Nubert!
I have nothing but praise for the company's customer service: Quick responses to inquiries, fast shipping of products!

I am more than very satisfied!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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