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Author: Robert Fremmer
May 5, 2018, 6:42:28 PM

Hello Nubert!
I have a pair of Nubert nuLine WS-14 and the subwoofer Nubert nuBox AW-443
in my room.
Wow, that's how music can sound. At first I was overwhelmed by the brilliance and pressure, but after some fine-tuning I now have such a good sound in my room. Thank you!
Absolutely great value for money!
Thanks also for the friendly telephone advice.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Anton
May 5, 2018, 11:03:40 AM

The fact that it took 12 years before I bought another Nubert product can be seen as a full compliment for the company's sustained quality, excellent development work and customer-oriented consulting expertise.
I had to bury the Yamaha AX 596 from my long-serving playing partners, the NuWave 35s are already being circled by the children in vulture flight.
With my new acquisitions, the NuVero 60 and Yamaha A S1100, I have reached the Champions League of music listening without a hitch.
It should be clear that the room is very important for the sound experience.
In my very awkwardly angled and quite reverberant 20 square meter listening room, the installation of effective absorbers would be tantamount to a complete disfigurement.
With the NuVero 60, thanks to the very practically tuned sound controls, these acoustic difficulties can be circumvented in a highly satisfactory manner without any equalizer fuss.
For me, the most striking features of the NuVero 60 are the exceptional transparency and pleasantly natural presentation of the sound spectrum.
The listening impression scratches a little at the ideal case of not perceiving any loudspeaker at all.
During the recordings of our Alpine choir, I was amazed at how clear and uncolored our men sounded, and I regularly listen to them in real life.
As an active rock musician, I also like brute volumes.
For me, 'Train of Thought' by Dream Theater is a sound reference in the metal genre that demands a lot from playback devices in terms of impulse response (drums!), spatial representation and bass work.
This type of music is reproduced by the Nubert/Yamaha combination with an enormously relaxed matter-of-factness, even the most powerful levels don't upset it.
If anyone is (wisely) considering trying out the NuVero 60, I would advise them to do so with a suitable amplifier.
The speakers are hungry for plenty of power and a top signal.
The next entry will probably be written by my grandchildren.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Achim
May 3, 2018, 9:52:12 AM

Wow! Very interesting news from Nubert! The newly announced NuPro X series seems to be the logical successor to the previous NuPro A series. The NuControl 2 scales up technically to match. For me as an A-500 owner, the X-6000 (initially on paper) would be the next logical choice because, in addition to other contemporary innovations, it also closes a gap between the 18 and 12 diaphragms on the chassis side. I am looking forward to a listening comparison in Duisburg!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your spontaneous reaction to our new products. Please note, however, that we are only showing the new models in advance because of the upcoming High End trade fair. We do not yet know when we will be able to show the X models in Duisburg, Gmünd and Aalen. Delivery is expected to start in the course of the summer...

Author: v. Langer
May 1, 2018, 11:36:33 AM

Hello dear Nubert family,

On April 30, 2018, I was able to enjoy an insight into the Nubert world with my daughter as the winner of the competition.

We were guided through the Goethestaße. Mr. Nubert showed us his 'hallowed halls' and explained his work to us with indescribable passion. The enthusiasm that Mr. Nubert displays is indescribable and draws every single employee along with him.

Over lunch with Mr. Spiegler, we discussed the highs and lows of the company and what the future might hold.

He accompanied us through the very successful new building in Nubertstrasse with new offices, warehouse, measuring room and all other departments. There we had the opportunity to listen to the nuPyramid. Under expert guidance, we were amazed at what is technically feasible.

The very interesting day we spent with the Nubert family ended in the hotel reserved for us.

An all-round successful short vacation. I can only say keep up the good work and wish you many more innovative ideas.

Best regards

V. Langer

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jennifer B.
Apr 27, 2018, 10:45:33 AM

Dear Mr. Nubert and team

First of all, I would like to thank you for your great service, kindness and super speakers. My friend has already bought many different speakers and other things from you and is more than satisfied with everything. Any prize or award you have received should be doubled for such great quality and value for money.
Keep up the good work.

Mfg Jennifer . B.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alexander Schulz
Apr 23, 2018, 8:53:41 AM

Hello Nubert Team:-)

Now that the AS-450 has been under our TV for three months, I would like to write a short report.

Briefly about the room situation:
The AS-450 stands on a stone base, which in turn rests on a brick foundation. The TV is mounted on the wall above it.

The whole thing is slightly recessed in a brick wall niche (3000mm x 2800mm x 500mm).

As a result, even and especially at higher levels, there are no disturbing resonances or other disturbing noises from phono furniture or wall attachments for the TV and the AS-450.

Now to the sound: It really knocks your socks off!
As the subwoofer emits its full "pressure" directly downwards onto the stone plate and the AS-450 is bombproof due to its high weight, the sound is crystal clear and simply brilliant!
Nothing rattles! It's simply pure musical enjoyment!

And due to the wall niche situation described above, the whole thing seems even more voluminous and almost like a gigantic 3x3m box :-)

In short, for us the ideal solution for perfect music enjoyment, whether for watching TV or as a fully-fledged music system for the living room.

Best regards

Alexander Schulz

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fred K.
Apr 22, 2018, 9:06:43 AM

In February 2018, as every year, I attended the Norddeutsche HiFi-Tage in Hamburg.
This year, I visited Nubert for the first time in a smaller demonstration room. There, the nuPro A-500 was presented and demonstrated, which simply "knocked me off my feet": so slim and delicate and yet so intense and powerful. I was hooked and I knew: this was the one for me!
In April 2018, I ordered the "nuPro A-500 WLAN & Airplay" set and had it delivered very quickly. I was delighted to set it up and integrate it into my existing passive 5.1 surround system. The somewhat tricky situation with controlling the active pair via the PreOut of the AV receiver and finding the "right" volume level of the A-500 was quickly solved - for me, "Vol 65" proved to be the measure of all things - and the sound check could begin.
I am now absolutely thrilled: whether in surround mode or with a digital player - the AirLino is really great - the active system performs superbly and you always wonder where the deep and intense bass comes from.
The A-500 immediately identifies poor recordings and rewards - with great dynamics - good recording techniques with outstanding sound!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: redbear
Apr 19, 2018, 3:32:06 PM

Mega Top Service : One of my Nupros is on strike. An email to the service department. Shortly afterwards the reply: As a gesture of goodwill, a box is sent to me with a UPS return receipt, the fun is picked up from me and in 10 days I have the magnificent pieces back with me. (I have never regretted recommending Nubert to my hi-fi freak friends. ) Thank you !!!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: E. H.
Apr 17, 2018, 4:18:41 PM

Information ambience, advice (personal consultant from entering the company to arranging the delivery date) and listening studios, mega-professional.
Product: Nubert nuVero 140
Delivery date, January 2018 (I took my time with this review to notice any weak points)........ Failure
Great workmanship, connection terminals very easily accessible,
Design, simply incomparably beautiful, a real eye-catcher,
Inspiring sound
Especially the separation of bass and low bass, which shows no overlapping even when listening loudly and with bass-rich passages.

Absolute recommendation to buy*****

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael
Apr 16, 2018, 10:10:56 AM

I received the NuPro AS-450 a week ago and am more than thrilled. The sound is amazing. The price is justified in my opinion. The workmanship is great. I would especially like to mention the customer service. They are very friendly, competent and extremely fast. A big compliment from me! Keep up the good work NUBERT, other manufacturers could take a leaf out of their book.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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