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Author: Volker G.
Apr 6, 2018, 11:24:54 PM

I just have to praise Nubert's service and products. A few days ago I was in Duisburg with my brother in the so-called showroom. This location is so important for us. It can be reached within an hour. We would drive even further, but hardly as far as Schwäbisch Gemünd ???. And you simply can't have all the speakers sent to your home and possibly back again. I wanted to know for myself where the journey was going in terms of floorstanding speakers. My favorite from the beginning was the nuLine 284 but 975 (you know) ? Would the nuBox 513 be enough for me or is the nuline 84 my favorite?
No problem, Mr. Hinsenhofer sales consultant in Duisburg connected the trio in our listening room and we were able to test the speakers with our own CDs. I had almost guessed it, the nuLine 284 was convincing for us. But how good is it compared to the larger models? I was almost embarrassed to ask if we could listen to other speakers. But no problem. In no time at all, our new selection was standing in front of us. nuLine 284 ; nuLine334 ; nuVero 110 and nuPro A-700. Our ultimate test. Many thanks for this great and very convincing test. Each speaker has its own character and shines.
My choice is clear. And I'm glad I don't have to order speakers 2-3 times and then send them back. Or I would have kept the wrong ones because they don't all sound bad. My travel destination is set, the next vacation is sure to come.
Many thanks and best regards to the Nubert team and Mr. Hinsenhofen.
(PS, please leave a Universal ATM in the program)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Oliver
Apr 6, 2018, 6:41:44 PM

First it was supposed to be the Nuline 264. After some consideration, I made an appointment in Duisburg to try them out. Thank God, otherwise I would have made the wrong purchase. Not that the Nuline264 were bad, but I definitely lacked the bass punch. I also tried the Nuline 84, which I really liked, and then I wanted to hear the 284. So after the first few bars of Kraftwerk Boing Bumm Tschak, the decision to buy was already made. What a wonderful loudspeaker. But it sounded even better at home! Despite having a good feed, the speakers in Duisburg couldn't show their full potential - the listening room is simply far too small.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael W.
Apr 5, 2018, 11:41:21 AM

There are seldom products that still cause a big grin after 5 years of use. However, this is the case with the Nubert surround set. Two more nuPros have just been added to the speaker family to provide audio enjoyment on the PC.

Keep up the good work dear Nubert team, quality always prevails!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jürgen Q.
Apr 1, 2018, 4:50:12 PM

I have been the proud owner of two Nupro A-700 active speakers for a few weeks now and I am still fascinated by the clear and full sound every day. I had great speakers before, but the A-700s are in a different league. Whether classical music or electric bass, everything sounds fantastic without being annoying or boomy. Many thanks again to Nubert, as I needed a replacement due to a fault of my own making. Everything went quickly and perfectly. This is how service should be. Perfect.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Maximilian K.
Mar 15, 2018, 12:53:11 PM

I recently purchased two NuPro A-200 active loudspeakers. I am really impressed! The sound is crystal clear and it's amazing how much bass the speakers have. I was initially wondering whether I should really spend so much money on speakers, but I really have no regrets and they are worth every penny 🙂
Delivery was also very quick (2 days).

In short: 5 stars

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: William Wilkins
Mar 11, 2018, 7:21:28 PM

Hello Nubert Team,
Many thanks for a smooth transaction. I have had a pair of nubox 383 with the matching ATM for 2 days. I am absolutely thrilled with the sound. I have never experienced such depth from two compact loudspeakers. I'm in the process of rediscovering my music collection. These speakers make listening to music a goosebump experience. I am now a convinced Nubert fan :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dieter Schulz, Freiberg
Mar 11, 2018, 10:17:35 AM

I went to the store on Shrove Monday to listen to the AS 250 soundbar because I wanted a better sound to go with our new TV.
After the first few tones that the salesman demonstrated to me, I was already impressed and immediately decided to buy it. To this day, both my wife and I still love the sound of the soundbar. It's a pleasure to listen to music videos and even just music. A great price-performance ratio.
After our son-in-law got a sample of the great sound a few days ago, he was so impressed that he drove to Schwäbisch Gmünd yesterday with his wife and also bought an AS 250. He was even lucky enough to get the speaker at a special price with AirLino. Unfortunately, this offer wasn't available when I bought it. I am still very satisfied and can only recommend the company and the store in Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rene Blaser
Mar 6, 2018, 6:58:02 PM

Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 with nuLine

I have now completely equipped my home theater system, except for the subwoofer, with nuLine speakers. I am absolutely thrilled. The front speakers are the nuLine 284, the center speaker CS-174, the side surround the nuLine 244, the rear surround the nuLine 264 and on the ceiling four times the WS-14.

I had already been using good speakers before. However, the improvement in the sound with the Nubert speakers exceeds my expectations. The nuLine sounds so detailed, spacious and dynamic. Whether movie or music, whether in stereo or in any surround format, I perceive sounds and tones that I have never heard before. The surround experience is something completely different with the nuLine. Right in the middle!

The workmanship of the speakers is also excellent. The speakers look elegant. Even the 284, which is slightly wider than the 244 and 264, still looks slim.

In addition to the product, customer service is of course also an important element. And this is excellent. At a time when many companies are failing because of their customer service, Nubert's is a real oasis!

I can fully recommend Nubert and its products!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mike
Feb 27, 2018, 6:38:07 PM

For a change, I would like to mention a product that was not designed by Nubert, but is available from Nubert.

The Staywired cable conduits with zipper.

I have small Nupros on stands and this allows the whole tangle of cables to be bundled really nicely. At first glance, you get the impression that a single expensive cable leads to the loudspeakers, then there's a lowboard in the middle and the rest can be hidden away. Installation is child's play without having to disconnect anything. They are also easy to clean, just wipe with a damp cloth and you're done.

How quickly Nubert delivers is always impressive.... great thing!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Herbert G.
Feb 23, 2018, 9:56:45 PM

After more than 3 years with the nuLine 284, I started to look around for other speakers. The reason: my speakers have a beautifully balanced sound with transparent and never annoying mids and highs as well as a clear and very deep bass, which never covers the mids with a cloudy sound. What I have heard better with other loudspeakers, however, and missed somewhat with my nuLines, was the depth of the instruments (I mainly listen to classical music).
After much hesitation, I ordered the ATM module for my speakers. The additional module usually refers to an extension and better presence of the bass as well as the possible adaptation of the frequency response to the listening environment. Only some customers have pointed out a better spatiality. And what can I say? After connecting the module, I suddenly have different loudspeakers: the spatiality and depth of the stage that I have always missed in some cases now appears as if by magic. I don't know how it works, but I'm now totally satisfied. A great deal for me. For less than 300 EUR two ?new? top sound transducers.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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