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Author: Christian Steigner
Jan 6, 2005, 1:17:22 PM

something funny:
on 04.01.05 I called Nubert to find out whether I had to register for a trial listening session or whether I could just drop by. To the answer \"No registration required, open all week except Monday (10.01.05)\", I then drove to Schwäbisch-Gmünd (203km) on Thursday (06.01.05), only to find out that in this federal state the holy 3 kings is a public holiday (I come from the Palatinate) and the NSF is of course closed.

Happy New Year!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Martin Simon
Jan 6, 2005, 1:16:31 PM

First of all, hello!!!

Even though I've already expressed my opinion of Nubert products here, I just can't contain myself any longer. I've just got Eminem's latest album (which may not be to everyone's taste here, but never mind) in my CD player. Luckily my parents aren't at home, because what the AW440 does with some of the tracks in my room is almost unbelievable (and at room volume!!!). It pushes so hard that I'm almost afraid the ceiling will come down (the door needs to be fixed even better, it vibrates even at room volume). The last time I experienced such enormous pressure was in a friend's car and he has a 38 Ground Zero Plutonium subwoofer with 1 kilowatt in a hatchback coupe (the subwoofer and the amplifier alone cost 1500?: shocked:, so not comparable with the AW440). I would like to thank the whole Nubert crew for always providing us customers with such great "toys". Ohh now I have to turn down the sub, my parents are here: smilehard:

PS: In case anyone else wants to know: I have the frequency set to 75Hz.
Keep it up - for me, Nubert is already one of the elite when it comes to high-quality loudspeakers.

MFG Martin Simon

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ingo K.
Jan 5, 2005, 1:15:42 PM

Hello everyone.

I came across Nubert through an acquaintance. The good test results, the mostly positive opinions here in the forum and the favorable conditions persuaded me to buy the nuLine series nuLine80, CS 150, DS 50 and AW 1000 on January 2nd. And on January 4th everything was already there, a positive service from Nubert, but also from UPS. Everything was ordered in beech and it matches the furniture perfectly.
So I got to work straight away and connected everything up. And I have to say, the test results don't lie. I suddenly heard sounds that I didn't even know existed before. And when I put the first THX DVD into the player and the AW 1000 really got going, uuuhh...... I think all the little hairs on my arms started to tremble.
My wife was initially quite shocked by the woofer. It's quite a big block and takes up a lot of space. But now she's also convinced.
So, if you want quality and a fair price, buy Nubert. I can only recommend it.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rainald Runge
Jan 4, 2005, 1:14:57 PM

Replacing a floorstanding speaker with a bookshelf speaker? - Anyone who thinks that's not possible hasn't heard the nuLine 30... You can't really get that much bass out of such a small speaker - but Nubert can! We have finally parted with our old floorstanding speakers.

At home we listen almost exclusively to jazz and classical music. A lot of church organ and vocals, but also orchestral and chamber music. The nuLine 30's richness of detail has already exceeded all our expectations in the Gmünd listening studio. Even without ABL, both double bass (jazz) and 32-foot pipes (organ) are reproduced powerfully and faithfully.

For all high-end enthusiasts without a high-end wallet, these elegant compact speakers are an insider tip! Thank you for the excellent service in the listening studio - even without an appointment!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Daniel S.
Jan 3, 2005, 1:13:21 PM

Dear Nubert Team

I am delighted with the prompt service you offer, even abroad. I ordered 2 Nuwave 125s (plus accessories) online at the weekend and they were delivered by UPS on Wednesday - and carried straight into my home!

PS: For Swiss customers:

Nubert deducts the German VAT (16%!) on delivery to Switzerland without any charge. Only the Swiss VAT (7.6%) + CHF 15.00 import fee is then due on import - this is all done by UPS, which must then be reimbursed for these costs (cash, invoice or credit card). This means that the difference between the high freight costs for Switzerland of ? 165.00 to the max. ? 66.00 for EU member states!

Greetings from the freshly snow-covered Grisons!

By the way: I am very satisfied with the boxes

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Siegle
Jan 3, 2005, 1:12:09 PM

Dear Mr. Wittmann,

We sincerely apologize!
We have indeed made an unpleasant mistake in the logistics process!
Everything should actually have worked: The billing and delivery address was correct. We had sent the boxes to you on 30.12., which in our experience should have been the right time for delivery by DHL on 31.12.2004. But this is where the mistake crept in: In the hectic rush between the holidays, the delivery address was mixed up with the billing address. And when the worm is in the works? DHL also delivers a day late?
We are extremely sorry for this unfortunate coincidence!
We will of course refund the shipping costs and send you a small apology package!

We wish and hope that the well-intentioned birthday surprise will still bring you much joy in the future.

With kind regards

Nubert Speaker Factory

Armin Siegle

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernd Wittmann
Jan 3, 2005, 1:07:47 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I ordered the nubox 380 by telephone in Schwäbisch-Hall about a week before Christmas and expressly stated that the boxes were intended as a gift for my father, who is celebrating his birthday on December 31, 2004, and should be sent directly to him, if possible on December 30, 2004. The billing address (mine in Regensburg) therefore differed from the delivery address (my father's in Weißenburg), I informed the friendly lady on the phone of both addresses and was assured that the delivery would be made as requested. Today I discovered that the boxes had been sent to me at the wrong address. Quite apart from the fact that I now have more work to do because I have to transport the boxes over 100 km myself, the birthday surprise is of course ruined.

So: unsatisfactory service. No hymns of praise.

Yours sincerely
B. Wittmann

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jens G-D
Jan 2, 2005, 1:06:28 PM

Competent and friendly advisors, fast delivery and top quality are already pleasing. But when the product is also so convincing, it brings unrestricted joy.
I can only recommend Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mirko Piel
Dec 31, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, yesterday I made the 200km journey to experience your loudspeakers live, I was about to buy a subwoofer. Thank you very much for the very good and detailed advice, today I have already tested my new purchase on my home system.....I am thrilled. The AW-880 packs a punch, sounds clean and is really fun in the home theater. I made the right choice and the 400km drive was worth it 😂😂 I will certainly be buying new main speakers, center etc. soon 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dirk Witkowski
Dec 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

So Nubert's delivery times are hard to beat. Tuesday 11.50 a.m. AW550 ordered - Wednesday 10.00 a.m. AW550 in the living room. Many thanks to the lady on the order hotline who did everything she could!!! By the way: even the small AW550 is a first-class quiet disturber if you want it to be 😂 mfg and LOB LOB LOB

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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