Author: Sebastian
Jan 12, 2005, 1:28:05 PM
Hello Nuberts. I was extremely enthusiastic about Nubert speakers and decided to order some. as I had only heard about fast delivery times of 2-4 days, I expected a fast delivery. that was a mistake... now i've been sitting here for a week and... nothing. it's interesting or disappointing that nubert answers all questions immediately, as long as it's about something positive. as soon as it's about criticism, nobody seems to get in touch. i don't want to belittle the performance of nubert and co, but i wanted to express my displeasure quickly. why doesn't the whole thing work for me? i've been sitting on a needle for a week. sh....! so please: pay a little!!!! (in good high german, hurry up please!)
Author: Peter Rabe
Jan 12, 2005, 1:27:33 PM
I have owned an AW-440 since 10.01.05. I was only familiar with Nubert from the trade press and various test reports. I was also only familiar with the products on paper. Due to the planned redecoration of our living room, I have been researching alternatives to my current loudspeakers (5.1 system consisting of Canton speakers with AVR + DVD from Denon) for weeks.
I ended up on the Nubert website and read various data sheets and customer reviews. This made me wonder, because I've never seen so much praise!
As I also wanted to buy a new subwoofer, I ordered the AW-440 and received it two days ago. After unpacking, the first disappointment - what kind of dwarf is this? Then I read the first-class operating instructions (out of principle), unplugged the Canton AS-25 and connected the AW-440. As an \"introductory DVD\" Eric Clapton and .... after a few minutes the next disappointment: what have I been fooling myself for the last 3 years - that was never a real bass!!! The AW-440 kicks in with such precision and power that I immediately understood why Nubert customers are so enthusiastic. Now I'm one of them too!!!
By March I'll have ordered a pair of nuLine 80s and a CS 150 and banished the remaining Canton speakers to the guest room.
Best wishes for 2005 to the supernatural Nubert crew and regular customers
Peter Rabe
Author: p beier
Jan 11, 2005, 1:26:52 PM
Hello everyone,
after using a cs330 and the nuline 30 with abl for a long time - and very successfully - i had to get a new center (actually for optical reasons, the cs330 in beech didn't really match the beautiful nuline 30 in cherry)). -I thought back and forth and then ordered the cs70 after all.
but if you're expecting praise for the center, i have to disappoint you!
the cs70 didn't make it to my center, but after a short test it found its place in the middle on the left and got a sister on the right. upright, of course; how nice that the threads for mounting on the tripod are already included.
and now for the praise:
the nuline30 with abl is already an outstanding refinement in itself, but the increase in transparency and the overall opening of the sound image that the center (!) creates as the main loudspeaker is pure joy. the depth graduation gains significantly compared to the 30s, clearly moves towards the listener and becomes even more transparent than the already good nuline 30. vocal presence and localization, audibility and also the bass range surpass the nuline30 to an unimagined degree. with abl3/30 on the cs70 there are a few audible fluctuations in the low bass, but the pressure, the depth and the physicality that can be produced are fantastic. Even without my AW900!!! I think that the cs70 fulfills and surpasses what many in the forum criticize about the 30 (which is actually a contradiction in terms!!). hopefully the joy will be even greater when a fictitious ABL/ATM65-70 finds its place.
a center that is suitable as a main loudspeaker, indeed arouses real enthusiasm, fundamental that it cracks and yet fine enough to throw an orchestra in stereo into the room with an undreamt-of lightness, visually a feast for the eyes (on a short stand), what more could you want?
my tip: instead of the nuline 80, use the cs70. and don't forget to turn one tweeter!
i am speechless, as you can see
and as always, many thanks to mr. bühler, good luck to you all.
ps an abl/atm for 3 channels (left right center) that would be something!
for the statisticians: drive for the nuberts: denon dvd3800 via 5.1chinch to denon avc a1d
greetings from hamburg
Author: Klaus Padutsch
Jan 11, 2005, 1:26:03 PM
In addition to my Scottish digital high-end system, I bought a second analog system for my small dining room and bought my childhood dreams at auction (Tandberg receiver, high-speed Revox tape recorder, dual turntable). After a long search, I came across Nubert (I knew them from way back when I lived in Schwäbisch Gmünd). I ordered the nuBox 310 with stands (they even sent me DIN speaker connectors for the Norwegian free of charge). Conclusion: I can't believe how good this little speaker is. I can only pay a huge compliment. Competent and friendly service on the phone. Anyone who doesn't shortlist this Swabian company has missed out - or simply has too much money.
Well, anyway, there's always a record playing on the Dual (it's much nicer) and the Scottish CD lady is usually off.
Author: Hielscher Michael
Jan 11, 2005, 1:25:24 PM
Now they are in.... The NuWave 35 with elegant stands now decorate my living room (20m²) and I am more than satisfied. Connected to an Alchemist amplifier with 2 mono power amplifiers and supported by an active Elac subwoofer, these speakers are able to conjure up very dynamic and spatial sound images - the bounce is impressive. With the use of high-quality speaker cables on the cleanly finished Nuberts, my Infinity Kappa 8.2i (former reference) has become dispensable. The small Nuberts are simply a lot of fun, but require good hardware to unfold their full potential....Best and absolutely worth the price.
Michael Hielscher
Author: Haß,Klaus-Peter
Jan 11, 2005, 1:24:46 PM
Having been highly satisfied with nuline 80 speakers for two years, I've been wondering whether I should buy the ABL 8/80 \"magic speaker\" .......???
I did and am amazed at the additional sound coming out of the speakers, which is hard to believe! Tones never heard before, silky smooth voices, etc., etc., .......
Klaus-Peter Haß
Author: Ulrich W.
Jan 11, 2005, 1:24:05 PM
Hello Nubis,
Yesterday I received my NuBox380 and the Aw 440 subwoofer, unpacked, connected and drove off.
My special thanks go to Stefan S. who introduced me to the Nubert brand, I have looked at and listened to a lot of speakers but none of them can compete with the NuBox 380, you have to spend a lot of money to improve!!!!
Thanks guys keep up the good work !!!!!!
Author: Thomas Wrzeciono
Jan 10, 2005, 1:23:22 PM
Hello Mr. Schäfer and the entire Nubert team,
After 3 years of deliberation, I have finally ordered Nubert speakers.
My surround set consists of 4 NuBox 380, 1 NuBox CS 330 and 1 NuBox AW 880.
The only thing I really regret is that I waited 3 years, because what comes out of these black things is simply sensational.
Everything is really right here, crystal clear sound, a powerful bass and a price that is absolutely justified.
You also get really comprehensive and fair advice from Nubert.
Both surround and music (whether pop, rock or classical) sound great with my Nubert speakers.
Even my partner (what a huge set of speakers they are) is now thrilled.
There's only one thing left for me to say: .........
Many, many thanks.
Greetings to the whole Nubert team.
Thomas Wrzeciono
Author: Roland Spiegler
Jan 10, 2005, 1:22:35 PM
Dear Mr. Sturm!
Thank you very much for your guestbook entry. We are pleased that you are satisfied with our AW-1000. Regarding the \"underlayers\": If you mean the nubase foam feet, this is as described in the instruction leaflet: simple absorber feet for all those who do not want or need to buy Bolide shock absorbers. Perhaps just a temporary solution...
Have fun with your bass!
Author: Karl Sturm
Jan 8, 2005, 1:21:51 PM
Hello dear people
I bought the AW 1000 and am very satisfied, except for the poor sub????.
What is that supposed to be please?
Greetings Karl